Spring Cleanup Has Sprung!

Spring Cleanup Has Sprung…

April 14th, 2020

Spring Cleanup Begins April 6 with New 5-Week Schedule


The City of Durango is implementing a new five-week Spring Cleanup schedule beginning April 6 and ending May 8. City crews will be moving through residential neighborhoods picking up the following materials:


  • Furniture
  • Large Appliances
  • Scrap metal, drywall, fencing, carpeting, tiles, and open dried paint cans
  • Tree trimmings and branches less than 8 feet in length and less than 8 inches in diameter
  • Bagged or boxed loose brush and leaves


April 6-10  Rockridge Subdivision, Animas View Dr., Sky Ridge Subdivision, Hill Crest Estates, North College Dr., Aquarius, Richard Dr, Linda Ct., Willow Place, Geoglein Gulch, Sanborn Place and Ball Lane.
April 13-17  Areas south of 15th St. and West of 9th Ave. including residential areas of 160 W (Twin Buttes) and Highway 160 E (Three Springs) located within City limits.
April 20-24  Areas north of 15th St. to 36th St. paralleling Main to the East and West including the Animas City area.
April 27-May 1   West side subdivisions including Crestview, Needham and Junction St. areas.
May 4-8   East side subdivisions including Rio Vista Circle, Riverview, Florida Rd.



Post courtesy of Jim Wotkyns at DurangoRealEstateServices.com

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