iSnowdown 2.0.13 Get Your Geek On!

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SnowDown 2013 Jan. 30-Feb. 4


iSnowdown 2.0.13 Get Your Geek On!

Durango’s zany winter festival starts Jan. 30

Durango, CO – Voted one of Outside Magazine’s top five winter carnivals in North America, the 35th annual Snowdown Durango is a non-traditional and a bit zany celebration of winter. Think nerds and geeks as you celebrate “Get Your Geek On!” at this year’s premier winter festival. With over 120 events included in the official schedule, the theme “iSnowdown 2.0.13 Get Your Geek On!” has something for geeks and nerds of all ages and obsessions. Snowdown offers unique events including favorites like: Outhouse Stuffing, Snowdown Jokedown, Snowdown Chili Cook-off, Follies or some of the rated “F” for Family-Fun events including the Belt Sander Races, Spam Carving, Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock; ski softball tournament, Snowdown Balloon Rally, the Bed Race and a magnificent fireworks show.

Get Your Geek On! for iSnowdown 2.0.13 beginning Wednesday, January 30th and continuing through Sunday, February 4th in beautiful downtown Durango and surrounding venues.

The annually changing themes of Snowdown Durango make this five day festival truly one of a kind. Past themes have ranged from A Jolly Roger Snowdown (pirates) to Once Upon a Snowdown (fairy tales), Snowdown in Da Nile (Egyptian) and many more! For complete details and more information, please visit and like Snowdown Durango on Facebook.


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