Celebrate Life Force Energy on May Day,
May Day is the time when nature has truly come alive. Our ancestors joyfully embraced the fertility of Mother Earth; flowers bloomed, offering their pollen to the bees. The Celtic name for this period is Beltane, which means bright or sacred fire. During the festival, great bonfires were lit and animals and fields were blessed in hopes for an abundant year. Traditionally May Day began on the eve of May 1st and was celebrated with feasting, dancing, and merriment for two weeks.
Beltane was a time when lovers ran off to the fields and woods together to honor the Great Goddess with ecstatic lovemaking. The Maypole, symbolizing the phallic energy of the season, was festooned with ribbons. The May Basket was a symbol of the womb and the fertile union of male and female. The ancient traditions show a frank appreciation for the enjoyment of our sexuality and also the understanding that sexual energy is Sacred Life Force. Lovers were well aware of sexual energy as a powerful connection to Spirit as well as its essential role in the abundance of all life.
Prior to Patriarchy, Earth Honoring traditions embodied this essential knowing, but over time sex became merely a physical act, separated from the Sacred. Its meaning made into breeding, a sinful act necessary for new life. During the Middles ages, priests exhorted couples not to engage in it for pleasure but only to breed. This separation of “sacred” from the physical act has continued to this day. However, the interest in Sacred Sexuality is growing. I have written about this for many years. You can read articles on my website, www.goddesstherapy.com.
We tend to think of the erotic as an easy, tantalizing sexual arousal. I speak of the erotic as the deepest life force, a force which moves us toward living in a fundamental way.”
Audre Lorde
Enjoy all the pleasure, connection and fun of May Day
Much Love, Linda
Post courtesy of Linda E Savage PhD.