
Highlights from the global tech outage: Airlines, businesses and border crossings hit by global tech disruption

Highlights from the global tech outage: Airlines, businesses and border crossings hit by global tech disruption

Today’s live coverage has ended. See what you missed below and find the latest on apnews.com. A global technology outage caused by a faulty software update grounded flights, knocked media outlets offline, and disrupted hospitals, small businesses and government offices on Friday, highlighting the fragility of a digitized world dependent on just a handful of providers. At the heart of the massive disruption is CrowdStrike, a...

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Cultivate Happiness

Cultivate Happiness

  As a leader, happiness is essential to yourself and those you lead The United States is not the happiest place on Earth.  It is not even in the top ten.  The happiest countries tend to be those around the Baltic and North Seas:  Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, all make the top ten.  About three-fourths of Icelanders describe themselves as content, compared to about one-third of North Americans. These are places that...

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TCF 01.14.24 | Finding a Better Worldview

As we stand at the precipice of transformation, the Chopra Foundation continues to explore the expansive horizons of human potential and consciousness. In this week’s newsletter, we delve into the essence of our personal reality with Deepak Chopra MD’s insights from his latest book “Quantum Body”. Deepak challenges us to reconsider the fabric of our worldview, inviting us to reflect on how our deepest beliefs...

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It should be a short-term phenomenon – not a constant condition   Frustration occurs when we encounter an unsatisfying situation that we cannot change (either real or imagined).  It arises when goals or efforts lack fulfillment, we encounter unchangeable opposition, or when we are unheard.  In addition to stress that accompanies frustration, it also may bring additional emotions, including anger, impulsivity, bitterness,...

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Empowerment is to grant authority, control, or command.   Originally, to empower was to authorize by commission the control of a ship and the people aboard it.  Outside of navies, empowerment has worked its way into business and other enterprises seeking to grant authority of a subset of the enterprise. What is curious about how most businesses start or evolve is that the default is that people are not empowered.  People join an...

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Grace and gratitude are elegant leadership qualities

Grace and gratitude are elegant leadership qualities

The word gratitude is from the Latin gratia, meaning grace or graciousness.  Definitions of grace include a simple elegance or refinement of movement, courtesy, poise, goodwill, acknowledgment, recognition, obligation, and gratefulness. Leaders consume a lot of brainpower and physical endurance during the day.  Leaders may do some or all the following:  listening, discerning, reflecting, analyzing, imagining, decisioning, negotiating,...

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LPEA board commits to enable broadband access to local communities

LPEA board commits to enable broadband access to local communities

  DURANGO, Colo. – The La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) Board of Directors passed a resolution at its meeting yesterday clarifying the role of the cooperative in bringing broadband services to local communities. The resolution, which passed 11 to 1, outlines the following LPEA strategic goal for broadband communications: LPEA will pursue a funding and partnership strategy that will enable broadband connections to its...

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HP & Me – Is It Worth It

HP & Me – Is It Worth It

Welcome to this week’s edition of H.P. and Me! There are three basic questions we must all face in this life. They are simple but their consequences are profound. Honesty with ourselves opens a true pathway. Dishonesty closes the door in the long run. In these three questions live all one needs to know in the practical world, that is, assuming one desires to be wholesome, loving, and true to the rest of one’s mission in Life. Is...

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HP & Me – Dream Big

HP & Me – Dream Big

Welcome to this week’s edition of H.P. and Me! The greater our dreams, the greater the effort we must muster on the roadway of opportunity. Real education is not in book-learning, but in letting go of subjective and objective frustrations and painful doubts so that our mind can adjust itself to using the highest potential to know that there are no problems, only solutions. Dream Big – S3:E5 The HP & Me podcast is a much...

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HP & Me – The Right Place at the Right Time

HP & Me – The Right Place at the Right Time

Welcome to this week’s edition of H.P. and Me! Being at the right place at the right time is a subtle lesson of life, Your real presence and your real self does not come from some imagined future or some imaged past, but using the power of the timelessness of service to humanity by taking the higher road. The Right Place at the Right Time – S3:E4 The HP & Me podcast is a much needed dose of inspiration and enlightenment.  Be...

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HP & Me – Learn From the Past, Then Forget It

HP & Me – Learn From the Past, Then Forget It

Welcome to this week’s edition of H.P. and Me! Positives beget positives and negatives beget negatives. One should end the endless cycle of getting trapped in negative scenarios. Allow negative memories to pass by, and get on with the work of transforming life through positive thinking. Learn From the Past, Then Forget It – S3:E3 The HP & Me podcast is a much needed dose of inspiration and enlightenment.  Be sure to see all...

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HP & Me – A New Love

HP & Me – A New Love

Welcome to this week’s edition of H.P. and Me! True love overcomes the voids of life. True love is true life in the ability to transform and transcend the little vacuums of life and passions in life that pass so one can grow with love on all levels of life. True love is the experience of greater wisdom. A New Love – S3:E2 The HP & Me podcast is a much needed dose of inspiration and enlightenment.  Be sure to see all three...

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HP & Me – Pay Forward Time

HP & Me – Pay Forward Time

Welcome to this week’s edition of H.P. and Me! It’s Season 3! In this time of big changes and big challenges, “Pay Forward” is another way of applying the Golden Rule of Life to all situations. Whenever we set in motion any form of mental or physical good activity we also set in motion the conditions for good reciprocal responses. Unconditional service to humanity and forward thinking is the Golden Rule that encourages...

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HP & Me – Be Happy in Your Work

HP & Me – Be Happy in Your Work

Welcome to this week’s edition of H.P. and Me! A marvelous tour of the world can take place from your Little Corner of the World. The American author, H.P., has given us much to think about in the adventures of Life! We are being prepared for great compassion, forgiveness, and wisdom of the other side. In our hearts, we understand the uniqueness and value of our lives while we already feel the presence of eternity. Each day is...

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HP & Me – A Bed Time Story for The Mind and Soul

HP & Me – A Bed Time Story for The Mind and Soul

Welcome to this week’s edition of H.P. and Me! We all have had good and bad dreams. One American philosopher who loved Freud once said, “the true ontology of Life is the world of dreams.” Indeed, learning to die is learning to live fully. To be a soul in a body, to see, hear, touch, feel life through the heart, this is a continuous wonder. We are, perhaps, spiritual beings living in a material body that will return to the realm...

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HP & Me – Be Careful: Straight Trees Often Have Crooked Roots

HP & Me – Be Careful: Straight Trees Often Have Crooked Roots

Welcome to this week’s edition of H.P. and Me! We must evaluate life and potential friends by great care so as to see real opportunities and growth with true friendship. After many years we are aware of the preciousness of our bodies, true personalities, family, and happy friends. The bridge between daily life and eternity is the wisdom and joy that is passed on between generations. As the great prophets have taught us in the...

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HP & Me – You Will be Surprised as to What You Will See and Hear if you Listen

HP & Me – You Will be Surprised as to What You Will See and Hear if you Listen

Welcome to this week’s edition of H.P. and Me! In order to honor our hearts and unfold our true self into the world we must be willing to truly listen to others who have taken the higher path. Laughter and wit are part of the package of wisdom and knowledge, the CARE package we carry into the future. Consciousness Awareness and the Reflective Energy of Laughter can slow down the fearful energy of the daily world. You Will be...

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HP & Me – You Have to Break Things to Fix Things

HP & Me – You Have to Break Things to Fix Things

Welcome to this week’s edition of H.P. and Me! We have choices everyday to wrestle with the current plot in our lives or find the possible joy of putting things back together through a wider experience of life. In spite of problems we all face, each of us is called to nourish ourselves deeply and to see that it is the balance and interplay between body, mind and spirit that contributes to tranquility, good health and happiness....

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HP & Me – Miracles Do Happen

HP & Me – Miracles Do Happen

Welcome to this week’s edition of H.P. and Me! New findings in psychology as pioneered by leading scientists at Stanford Research Institute–have shown that the elevation of human consciousness is connected with minor miracles, e.g., mind-over-matter, bending forks and spoons, and remote viewing of things in Russia simply by the power of the mind. We must be open to a new era of synthesis between scientific and spiritual truths....

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HP & Me – It’s Not Over Until It’s Over

HP & Me – It’s Not Over Until It’s Over

Welcome to this week’s edition of H.P. and Me! In the world of business, global politics, or baseball, the final fiat accompli is NOT necessarily the final fiat accompli –when there’s comeback with extra life. Remember life is part of a living continuum which can provide understanding of our lives connected with the ongoing breath of evolution that does not stop with Mother Earth. Life is a calling to the inner river of higher...

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