Durango City Government
Durango City Government
Durango is a Home Rule City, and adopted its most recent charter in 1978-an update of the original city charter, and vision for Durango, originally adopted in 1912. The 1978 charter is designed to encourage involvement and participation in matters of local government. The authors of the revised charter believed that when citizens are active participants in government, protection of the public interest is best insured.
City of Durango
949 E. 2nd Avenue
Durango, CO 81301
(970) 385-2800
La Plata County
1060 E. 2nd Avenue
Durango, CO 81301
(970) 382-6200
The Durango City Council meets in regular session on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. City Council study sessions are held on most second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.
Meeting Agendas / Meeting Minutes
City Span 10 broadcasts 24 hours a day on Bresnan Communications cable’s channel 10. Broadcast coverage includes the entire City limits and selected surrounding areas.
City Span 10 programming includes:
City Speak is an informative show that features various City Departments and current events in the Durango area. The program is hosted by Greg Caton, the Assistant City Manager, and enables citizens to stay informed and involved in their community.
Talk of the Town is a talk show hosted by KSUT’s Victor Locke. The program is 30 minutes long and covers current issues in the community. Topics have included affordable housing, the Downtown Vision and Strategic Plan.
Durango Sound Bytes is a newscast style program. The program briefly covers news and events occurring in the City and in the region.
Community Profile provides a closer look into an individual or group of individuals within the City organization.
What’s Up Downtown features activities and events occurring in downtown Durango. Bob Kunkel with the Central Business District Events and Business and Promotions Division hosts the program.
Live broadcasts of City Council meetings on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m.
Re-broadcast of City Council meetings are aired daily. For exact times please refer to the City Span 10 schedule. Archived copies of the videotapes may be checked-out from the Durango Public Library or purchased for $25.
Live broadcasts of the Durango Planning Commission meetings, which are normally held the last Monday of every month at 6:00 p.m.
The City of Durango is supported primarily by a sales and use tax imposed by the City at a rate of 3.0%. City sales and use tax accounts for approximately 63% of general fund revenues annually and 18% of the general fund revenues come from La Plata County’s 2% sales tax