My colleague Catherine (one of my favorite Nutritionists) just wrote this article about eggs last week. I thought it was fantastic and wanted to share…
When I was a kid, my mom would only allow us to eat eggs every other day. We had “Egg Days” and cereal days. Back then eggs were considered a heart attack risk if you ate them every day. Instead, people were filling up on bagels, oatmeal, cereal, doughnuts, pancakes, and muffins, thinking that was the healthier choice.
If you’ve learned anything from following the Nutrition Watchdog blog over the years, you know that bagels, oatmeal and other ‘whole-grain’ breakfasts can set you up for disaster the rest of the day…
In one landmark study, they had two groups of people on similar diets eating similar calories… One group ate bagels for breakfast, and the other group ate eggs for breakfast. At the end of the study, the group who had bagels for breakfast reported feeling hungrier all day and gained weight. The egg group lost weight and reported fewer cravings.
Eating Eggs = Fewer Food Cravings
So, here’s what happened to me when I ate eggs every day for a month…
First of all, I wasn’t hungry until lunch time, instead of craving something a couple hours after breakfast. Eggs are high in protein and healthy fats, so starting your day this way keeps blood sugar lower, and you feel satiated. Protein is the perfect fuel for my favorite activities like hiking, running, biking, and pickleball because protein keeps and builds lean body mass and muscle.
And what about that egg yolk? Remember the days when people would only eat egg whites because of the fat in the yolk? Yeah, that wasn’t me. The egg yolk has always been my favorite part of the egg and for good reason. The yolk is where most of the vital nutrients are. And the fat in the egg yolk is healthy fat…
To Yolk or Not To Yolk
Egg yolks contain vitamins B12, B2, and B9, and folate. B vitamins are essential for energy, focus, mood and aid in brain and nerve function. Egg yolks are a good source of vitamin D which is essential for whole-body health… and they’re full of minerals including phosphorus, iodine, and selenium, that benefit the thyroid gland, boost the immune system, and help build stronger bones.
Yolks contain more than 90% of the calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc along with the B vitamins. In addition, the yolks contain fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K along with the essential fatty acids (EFAs).
While the egg white is high in protein, yolks actually contain more protein technically. The average protein content of yolk is 16.4g per 100g, compared to 10.8g in egg white per 100g. There’s just more of the egg white…
And egg yolks contain a very important nutrient–choline. Choline supports lipid metabolism and is essential for liver health (helps to prevent fatty liver disease). Choline also is essential for brain and nervous system function, and cell membranes.
Eggs for Health or Eggs for Heart Problems?
But what about the dreaded cholesterol that the yolk contains? Won’t that cause heart problems?
Well, not only did I not have a heart attack from eating eggs… after a month eating them every single day (while following my typical Paleo style diet) my HDL (the good stuff) went up by 20% and my LDL and total cholesterol stayed in the same healthy range they always were, lowering overall risk.
So, what happens when you eat eggs every day for a month? Well, for starters you may lose weight since you are eating a healthy source of protein, fats, and vitamins/minerals, have fewer cravings throughout the day, keep your blood sugar low, and improve your metabolic health.
In addition, that healthy protein, essential fats, and oodles of vitamins, minerals and nutrients leave you with smooth, shiny hair, glowing skin, a strong lean body, clear focused mind, and tons of energy. And healthy cholesterol levels that are important for hormone balance!
And since we’re on the topic of eggs, you’ve got to see this…
What eggs do to senior brains
How often do you eat eggs?
Did you know it does THIS to senior brains?
P.S. If you think you know the answer, don’t be too sure. If you care about your memory, see this now.